
 作者  icecore (冰心)                                          看板  AdvEduUK
 標題  Re: [建議] 來個各校(所)版內評鑑吧?
 時間  Sun Mar  4 09:26:33 2007

白菜 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 作者  icecore (冰心)                                          看板  AdvEduUK
 標題  Re: [建議] 來個各校(所)版內評鑑吧?
 時間  Sat Mar  3 20:07:34 2007

白菜 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ENV 教學式碩士課程中主要分成四個組及一個研究型碩士:
1) AS – Atmospheric Science, 大氣科學;
2) CC – Climate Change, 氣候變遷;

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標題:Eocene/Oligocene ocean de-acidification linked to Antarctic glaciation by sea-level fall
作者:Merico et al. (2008)

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(這篇lag很久了~忘了貼上來, 汗~)


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今天逛各大paper database時,無意間看到2007年有篇矽酸鹽類的測定nM好興奮^^"
上個月的文章是只提及NO3及PO4現在多了SiO4 唷
還差NO2, DO, Fe, Cu, Pb等其他量較小的元素

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Source: @ All rights reserved.
All figures directly adapted from the website above.

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這篇文中的資訊是補充06/07論文中的資料(Marguerite Bay, aka MB)

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 作者  icecore (冰心)                                      看板  EarthScience

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Southampton, UK  05/06

Title: Nutrient dynamics in the western English Channel - a comparison on water offshore of Plymouth and Falmouth

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