這篇文中的資訊是補充06/07論文中的資料(Marguerite Bay, aka MB)
ps. 由於本人中文能力退化,因此有些句子以英文取代之,請見諒!

Serebrennikova & Fanning (2004):
在Southern Ocean GLOBEC (簡稱SO GLOBEC)地域計畫中,they have define water-mass nutrient signatures.  They produced two graphs to explain their findings, one was x-Si conc. (uM) y-
σ(deg C), one with x-salinity and y-NO3 (uM).

They also found UCDW (上層環南極深層水):
1.  characterized by maxima in temperature and nitrate;
2.  silica-temperature diagram: 80 - 100 uM Si, T > 1.6 deg C;
3.  nitrate-salinity diagram: 33 - 36 uM NO3 (=high nitrate), salinity 34.6 - 34.72

LCDW (下層環南極深層水):
1. characterized by higher silica acid conc. than UCDW (>100 uM),
    => Si > 100 uM, local NO3 minumum ~32 uM, salinity maximum > 34.73, low PO4 at 2.15 uM;
2. highest silica acid > 130 uM is at South Pacific Deep Water (SPDW) were found below 2500 m depth.

Other research (marine biogeochemistry) also concluded that:
* diatomaceous phytoplankton groups are more important in nutrient utilization of the MB area.
* Arrigo et al. (1999).  Phytoplankton community structure and the drawdown of nutrients and CO2 in the  Southern ocean.  Science, 283: 365-367.  is a recommended paper for background information.
* Krell et al. (2005).  integrated the nutrient concentrations including nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, silicate to 70 m off Antarctica; chl-a was integrated down to 70 m as well.

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