Pomegranate,2012,Artist:Molly Moss
size:45.7 x 68.6 cm,購自LoPin
Description: As rail travel expanded in the early twentieth century, the London Underground - the world's first underground railway - hired Britain's best artists and designers to produce advertising and promotional posters. This bright, festive poster created by Molly Moss was paired with a charming essay promoting travel to London's West End. "When dusk begins to fall," it began, "London takes on a special enchantment... If pantomime and circus, theatre and cinima are full, there is still for everyone the free and brilliant pageant of the evening: the silent traffic on the river, furrowing the long reflections of the lights; rainbow mist drifting from the fountains in Trafalgar Square; Piccadilly Circus... Linking the bright streets run friendly red buses, ready to carry you to winter entertainments, or on your own unofficial tour of lights of London. And, when the evening is over, they willl take you home."