2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (22).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (23).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (24).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (25).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (26).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (27).jpg  
TOi,2021.06,No. 12620
Original from Dunhuang
size: 35x50 cm
Made in China

2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (1).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (2).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (3).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (4).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (5).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (6).jpg  

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TOi與敦煌研究院合作出品(Dunhuang Academy)

 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (13).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (14).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (15).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (16).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (17).jpg 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (18).jpg

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2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (2).jpg  

归义军节度使曹元忠夫妇于十世纪中期所建的功德窟,宋代重修部分壁画。位于莫高窟南区中段下层,莫高窟大型洞窟之一。覆斗形殿堂窟,窟中央有二层台式中心方坛。在敦煌文献中,又被称为“文殊堂”。主室窟顶绘巨大的华盖式藻井,中心为五莲团龙鹦鹉。四披中心绘说法图,周围满绘千佛。窟顶四角各有一圆拱形凹壁,内分绘四大天王。即,顶东南角绘东方提头赖吒天王(大部毁),西南角绘南方毗琉璃天王,西北角绘西方毗楼博叉天王,东北角绘北方毗沙门天王。南壁、北壁和东壁上部总共绘有11 铺大乘经变,下部绘佛传故事画和供养人形象。其中,西壁上部通壁绘长达13米、高3.6米的大幅《五台山图》,南壁和北壁上部各绘五铺经变画。在南、西、北三壁的下方又绘有三十三扇连屏式佛传故事画,共有128个画面,全画总长28、7米,幅画画并附文字榜题128则。在东壁、南壁、北壁还保存了数十个曹氏家族女供养人图像和题记。中心佛坛上塑像俱毁,仅背屏上留有四处狮子蹄痕,背屏上还遗留狮子尾巴的残迹。佛坛狮足两侧各有两圆形座痕,狮足迹两侧和前方各有二较小座痕,上层坛上两侧的前方,各有两像痕。东壁上部绘维摩诘经变一铺,下部绘供养人形象。盝形顶甬道,顶中央画六联环团花图案,南、北披画缨络垂幔。甬道南、北壁现存有元代所绘炽盛光佛、诸星图、十二天宫以及助缘僧、尼等形象,道并有西夏文和汉文对照的供养人题记。甬道东部顶南侧为63窟,东部顶北侧为62窟,此二窟为隋代修建,在凿建第61窟时受到破坏。现在甬道东端抬头可见此二窟。元代在此窟前室及窟前曾建皇庆寺,后西宁王速来蛮于1351年重修。
The hall cave was sponsored by the couple of Cao Yuanzhong, military governor of the Gui-yi-jun regime as their family temple in the tenth century, part of the murals were renovated in the Song dynasty. It is located at the lower level on the middle section of the Southern Area at Mogao and it is one of the largest caves at Mogao, consisting of a front chamber, a corridor and a main chamber. There is a two-stepped central altar in the center of the hall. It is called the hall of Manjusri in Dunhuang documents. The main chamber has a truncated pyramidal ceiling, and the ceiling center features a large parasol motif, in the center of the parasol are five lotuses, a entwining dragon and parrots. On the four slopes are preaching scenes surrounded by the thousand Buddha motifs. The four arch recesses in the four corners of the ceiling respectively depict the four great heavenly kings, namely, Dhrtarastra in the southeast recess, Virudhaka (mostly damaged) in southwest, Virupaksa in the northwest, and Vaisravana in the northeast recess. On the south, north, and east walls are eleven sutra illustration altogether and below these illustrations are Buddha\'s life stories and donor figures. The whole west wall is covered with a large-sized map of Mt Wutai (13 meters long and 3.6 meters high). On the upper part of each sidewall are five sutra illustrations, below them are thirty-three screen paintings illustrating Buddha\'s life stories. There are also tens of donor figures of the Cao family and inscriptions preserved on the east, north and south walls. The statues on the central altar are completely destroyed, only the traces of the paws of a lion can be seen on the back screen on which traces of some images are visible. On the upper part of the east wall is a Vimalakirti sutra illustration and below are donor figures. On the ceiling of the corridor is a six-fold medallion pattern with draperies on the two slopes. On the south and north walls of the corridor are images of Tejaprobaha Buddha and Eleven Star Gods, the zodiac, and alms-begging monks and nuns. There are inscriptions in both Tangut and Chinese. In the Yuan dynasty, the Huangqing Temple was built in front of the cave, which was renovated in 1351 by Suleiman Khan, King of Xining.

 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (16).jpg 

莫高窟 第0061窟 主室 東壁(左圖)/五代 Five Dynasties(A.D.907-960)
东壁壁画分上下段两部分,上段绘大型维摩诘经变一铺。画面以“品字形”排列,门上方绘佛国品,维摩诘与文殊菩萨分别位于门两侧。北侧画面以维摩诘为中心,维摩居方丈,方丈后方众菩萨前来听法,方丈下方是各国各族王子均来问疾。画面右中部是见阿 佛品中的情节。画面左下方是方便品中的情节。门南侧绘文殊问病,画面以文殊菩萨为中心,文殊坐宝台,中国帝王大臣、各族首领前来探望。东壁下段绘供养人画像。南侧起第一个着回鹘装的供养人是曹议金的夫人,榜题是“故母北方大回鹘国圣天的子敕授秦国天公主陇西李……”。第二个着回鹘装的是嫁给甘州回鹘可汗为夫人的曹元忠的姐姐,榜题为“甘州圣天可汗天公主一心供养”。第三位头戴凤冠的是嫁给于阗国王曹元忠的姐姐,榜题为“大朝大于阗国大政大明天册全封至孝皇帝天皇后一心供养”。第四位是曹议金夫人,曹元忠的生母,广平宋氏。榜题为“故慈母敕授广平郡君太夫人宋氏一心供养”。后面的几位均是曹元忠的姐姐辈的人物。这四位供养人的排列,体现了曹氏家族对甘州回鹘、于阗国采取了联姻、礼让、尊敬的礼仪态度。北侧南起第一至第七身供养人均为宋代重绘。第一至第三身为比丘尼,仅第三身榜题较完整,题为:“故姨安国寺法律尼临坛大德沙门性真供养”第四至第六身也相同题称“外甥甘州圣天可汗的子天公主”,可见这些比丘尼原来都是曹氏家族的成员。第七身供养人头戴凤冠,饰步摇,服饰华丽,榜题为“大朝大于阗国天册皇帝/第三女天公主李氏为新/授太传曹延禄姬供养。”北侧后面几身供养人像为曹元忠时代的原作。榜题分别为:“故伯母武威郡夫人阴氏一心供养”、“故母钜鹿郡君夫人索氏一心供养”等。这时提到的阴氏、索氏、慕容氏等都是敦煌一带的世家望族,反映了曹氏家族对外联姻,以巩固其统治地位。

2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (26).jpg

2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (5).jpg  
The paintings on the east wall consisting of two parts. The upper part illustrates the Vimalakirti sutra in large size with a upper scene and two side scenes. Vimalakirti and Manjusri are respectively painted on the north and south sides of the entrance. In the picture on the north side, Vimalakirti sits in a square tent in the center, behind the tent are bodhisattvas listening to the debates. Manjusri sits on a throne. Below them are Chinese emperors and leaders of various ethnic minorities. The lower section of the east wall depicts donor figures. According to the inscriptions, The first one in Uighur costumes starting from the south side is Cao Yijin\'s wife, princess of Uighur. The second one in Uighur costumes is Cao Yuanzhong\'s sister, who was married to Uighur Khan in Ganzhou, the third one wearing a phoenix crown is Cao Yuanzhong\'s another sister, who married the King of Khotan, and the fourth one is Cao Yijin\'s wife, Cao Yuanzhong\'s mother, Lady Song. The latter few are members of Cao Yuanzhong\'s sister generation. The order of the four donors reflects the attitude of the Cao family to the Uighur kingdom in Ganzhou and Khotan through marriage. The donors from the first to the seventh on the north side were all repainted in the Song dynasty. The first three donors are bhiksunis, and only the inscription of the third donor is complete, indicating the third donor\'s name is the aunt of a monastery officials in the Anguo Temple, and the next three donors are princesses of Ganzhou Uighur. They were all members of the Cao Family. The seventh donor in luxurious costumes, wearing a phoenix and a hairpin, is a princess from Khotan. The latter donors on the north side were all portraits painted in the time ruled by Cao Yuanzhong, and they were from the powerful families at Dunhuang, including the Yin family, the Suo family, and the Murong family. This reflects that the Cao family strengthened their control through political marriage with the other kingdoms.

 2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (13).jpg


2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (14).jpg


2021.07.05 500pcs 璀璨敦煌系列:第61窟-維摩詰經變 Mogao Grottoes Cave 061 Main Chamber East Wall(Left) (18).jpg  


    TOi 敦煌研究院

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