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2014-02-03 小乖乖精品玩具@彰化<挖寶巡禮> (5652) (13)
2014-02-03 <哪啊哪啊~神去村 夜話> 神去なあなあ夜話 (82) (1)
2014-02-03 <遠山的回音> And the Mountains Echoed (38) (0)
2014-02-02 <珍.奧斯汀的世界:英國最受歡迎小說家的生活和時代> Jane Austen's World (38) (1)
2014-02-01 <失落的符號> The Lost Symbol (22) (0)
2014-01-31 <費洛瑞之書:魔法王者> The Magicians (19) (0)
2014-01-30 <千萬別跑:我在波札那狩獵營擔任導遊的故事> Whatever you do,Don’t Run---True Tales of a Botswana Safari Guide (17) (0)
2014-01-29 拼圖~374pcs Peacock (68) (2)
2014-01-28 拼圖~323pcs Toucan (78) (2)
2014-01-27 <助產士三部曲> Midwife Trilogy (47) (0)
2014-01-27 拼圖~500pcs Thai Amulet Lp Tuad (70) (0)
2014-01-26 <返校日> A Separate Peace (77) (1)
2014-01-25 <傾世皇妃> (54) (0)
2014-01-25 <決戰王妃2:背叛之吻> The Elite (159) (0)
2014-01-23 <北歐超完美丈夫的秘密:做家事帶小孩不過是份內的事而已> (59) (1)
2014-01-23 <每天回家老婆都在裝死2:16篇讓你笑到翻白眼的婚姻小事> (56) (1)
2014-01-23 拼圖~500pcs The Village Lighthouse (55) (0)
2014-01-22 拼圖~462pcs 慕夏-寶石系列 (140) (0)
2014-01-22 拼圖~1000pcs 12星座 Star Signs (Wachtmeister) (143) (0)
2014-01-21 拼圖~250pcs Journey Throught the Ages - The Hanoverians 1714 - 1837 (59) (0)
2014-01-21 拼圖~462pcs 荷塘清趣與碧沼消夏圖 Lotus Pond and on Lotus Pond (98) (1)
2014-01-21 拼圖~500pcs Suirrels in a plane tree (50) (1)
2014-01-19 對岸拼圖評論與分享 (118) (2)
2014-01-19 拼圖~504pcs 守護天使 (261) (6)
2014-01-18 拼圖~100pcs Mountain Vigil (94) (1)
2014-01-18 拼圖密室@台北淡水 (5981) (5)
2014-01-18 拼圖~300pcs Alex Beard Peacock (71) (0)
2014-01-15 <小狗星期二> Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him (36) (0)
2014-01-14 拼圖~250pcs Persian Scene I (67) (2)
2014-01-13 拼圖~250pcs The Railway Terminus (52) (0)
2014-01-13 拼圖~100pcs Tenture de la Dame a Licorne (63) (1)
2014-01-13 拼圖~100pcs Diana and her Nymphs (detail) (47) (0)
2014-01-12 拼圖~1000片New Horizons (Escape) (79) (0)
2014-01-12 <GO!來去芬蘭上課> (28) (0)
2014-01-12 <挪威人教我比工作更重要的事-不用加班、不用存錢的滿足人生> (162) (0)
2014-01-11 <巴黎轉轉愛> Anna and the French Kiss (120) (5)
2014-01-10 拼圖~500片Unicorn Garden by Agata Kawa (121) (2)
2014-01-10 拼圖~300片桐花森林Tung Tree Forest (48) (1)
2014-01-10 <大地之聲> Every Living Thing (16) (0)
2014-01-10 <神秘海灣> Broken Harbour (27) (1)
2014-01-09 對岸的拼圖品牌詳解 (176) (2)
2014-01-08 拼圖~500片The Tale of Tsar Saltan (95) (4)
2014-01-08 拼圖~54片x6 2005年金箔貓 (112) (0)
2014-01-07 拼圖~1008片懷舊雜貨店 The Grocery Store (236) (0)
2014-01-07 拼圖~500片巴黎秋意 The Eiffel Tower (66) (1)
2014-01-06 拼圖~504片財神(劉其偉) (235) (2)
2014-01-05 拼圖~456片小美人魚(透明拼) (414) (1)
2014-01-04 拼圖~300片Winnie the Pooh (81) (0)
2014-01-03 拼圖~504片花卉市集 Flower Market (77) (0)
2014-01-03 拼圖~108片你現在好嗎?How are you (80) (0)