http://sciencewatch.com/dr/fbp/2009/pdf/09aprfbpRod.pdf (下載版)
(direct quote from above website)
Article Title: Phytoplankton calcification in a high-CO2 world
Authors: Iglesias-Rodriguez, MD;Halloran, PR;Rickaby, REM;Hall, IR;Colmenero-Hidalgo, E;Gittins, JR;Green, DRH;Tyrrell, T;Gibbs, SJ;von Dassow, P;Rehm, E;Armbrust, EV;Boessenkool, KP
Journal: SCIENCE
Volume: 320
Issue: 5874
Page: 336-340
Year: APR 18 2008
* Univ Southampton, Natl Oceanog Ctr, Waterfront Campus,European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, Hants, England.
* Univ Southampton, Natl Oceanog Ctr, Southampton SO14 3ZH, Hants, England.
Why do you think your paper is highly cited?
Because recent debate about the long-term fate of increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the oceans and its effect: ocean acidification has prompted questions about how marine organisms, particularly those that calcify, will adapt to these changes.
While most studies have dealt with either laboratory observations or the geological record, my work combines both laboratory analysis of the effect of ocean acidification on calcium carbonate-producing phytoplankton with analysis of their geological record over the past 220 years, during the Anthropocene epoch—the period of anthropogenic CO2 release.
The model organisms that I investigate, coccolithophores (single-celled algae, protists, and phytoplankton), are responsible for most of the open-ocean calcification and thus, information on how these adapt to climate change is extremely important in order to predict any alteration in the marine carbon cycle.
Does it describe a new discovery, methodology, or synthesis of knowledge?
Yes, my paper describes a new finding and synthesizes information spanning from cellular responses to long-term trends in the geological record.
Where do you see your research leading in the future?
My research will continue to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of coccolithophores by answering fundamental questions in cellular biology. A central question is why do coccolithophores calcify? Without knowing the answer to this question we will not be able to make much progress in our understanding of the environmental regulation of calcification. Because understanding these controls is central to predicting changes in the carbon cycle, I plan to work together with modellers to further our understanding of calcification in the present-day ocean and to make more robust predictions for the future.
Dr. M. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez
Biological Oceanographer
Lecturer, Molecular Biology and Phytoplankton Physiology
National Oceanography Centre
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK