歷年與正在參與中的計畫(has been or is currently involved in ):分成英國本土,歐盟及全球性計畫。

Source: http://www.bodc.ac.uk/projects/data_management/ 

(information below adopted from BODC website, for personal interest)


UK (http://www.bodc.ac.uk/projects/uk/)

1) 36 North — 2004 - 2008
The 36 North project is an effort to understand the influences on global climate regulation.

2) ARABESQUE — Completed  1998
The ARABESQUE project studied the upper ocean microbial biogeochemistry in the Arabian Sea.

3) Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) — 1995 - 2005
The AMT programme undertakes a twice yearly transect between the UK and the Falkland Islands to study the factors determining the ecological and biogeochemical variability in the planktonic ecosystems.

4) Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) — Completed 2000
The ACSOE programme investigated the chemistry of the lower atmosphere (0 -12 km) over the oceans.

5) Autosub Science Missions — Completed 2002
The Autosub Science Missions project demonstrated the usefulness of Autosub, an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).

6) Autosub Under Ice (AUI) — 2002 - 2007
The AUI programme will investigate the role of sub-ice shelf processes in the climate system. The marine environment beneath floating ice shelves will be explored using Autosub.

7) Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study (BOFS) — Completed 1994
The BOFS project studied the processes that control carbon exchanges between the atmosphere, the surface ocean and the ocean interior.

8) Enabling Parameter Discovery (EnParDis) — 2003 - 2005
EnParDis is a project to develop our Parameter Dictionary. Parameter dictionaries are used to label data with a standard description and are crucial when searching out and exchanging data.

9) Land-Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) — Completed 2001
The LOIS project was designed to study coastal processes. Investigations covered river catchments, estuaries and coastal seas and their long-term evolution, air-sea interaction and shelf-edge interactions with the open ocean.

10) Liverpool - East Anglia Coastal Study 2 (LEACOAST2) — 2006 - 2009
The LEACOAST2 project follows the recent LEACOAST project (2002 - 2005) in studying sediment transport under tide and wave conditions at Sea Palling, Norfolk, UK.

11) Marine and Freshwater Microbial Biodiversity (M&FMB) — 2000 - 2005
The M&FMB programme is intended to understand the huge variety of microscopic life which inhabits our oceans, lakes and rivers. It will also investigate the potential for biotechnological exploitation.

12) Marine Productivity (MarProd) — 2000 - 2005
The main goal of MarProd is to develop coupled modelling and observation systems for the pelagic ecosystem, with emphasis on the physical factors affecting zooplankton dynamics.

13) Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN) — 2006 - 2009
MERMAN is a new national database designed to hold and provide access to data collected under the Clean Safe Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme (CSEMP) - formerly the National Marine Monitoring Programme (NMMP).

14) NERC DataGrid — 2002 - 2005
The challenge for NERC DataGrid is to build an e-grid which makes data discovery, delivery and use much easier than it is now.

15) North Sea Project — Completed 1992
The North Sea Project aimed to enhance scientists’ ability to predict the impact of man’s activities on the North Sea through the development computer based models.

16) Plankton Reactivity in the Marine Environment (PRIME) — Completed 2000
The PRIME project studied the role of plankton in determining oceanic biogeochemical fluxes and their implications in climate regulation.

17) Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) — 2001 - 2007
The RAPID programme is an effort to understand the causes of sudden changes in the Earth's climate.

18) RAPID-WATCH — 2008 - 2014
Building on RAPID, the RAPID-WATCH programme aims to deliver a decade-long time series of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC).

19) UK Tide Gauge Network — Ongoing
A network of tide gauges set up as a result of severe flooding along the east coast of England in 1953. The network forms the basis for present day storm surge forecasts.

20) UK Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (UK SOLAS) — 2003 - 2010
The UK's contribution to the SOLAS programme which aims to clarify the complex interactions between the ocean and atmosphere. The focus is on chemical exchanges that affect marine productivity and climate.

21) UK World Ocean Circulation Experiment (UK WOCE) — Completed 2002
The UK's contribution to the WOCE project which studied the deep oceans and carried out theoretical and numerical modelling studies.

European (http://www.bodc.ac.uk/projects/european/)

1) Delta Flume experiment — Completed 2001
The Delta Flume experiment aimed to verify and quantify hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes involved with resuspension of sediments in oscillatory-only flows at full-scale.

2) European Directory of the Initial Ocean-observing System (EDIOS) — Completed 2004
The EDIOS project constructed and implemented an ocean observing meta database, providing a new tool for searching for information on observing systems operating in European waters.

3) European Sea-Level Service (ESEAS) — Ongoing
ESEAS is an international collaboration of organisations operating more than 170 tide gauges along European coasts.

4) HUMBOLDT — 2006 - 2010
The HUMBOLDT project will help provide a framework for geo data harmonisation and service integration across Europe.

5) Inlet Dynamics Initiative: Algarve (INDIA) — Completed 2001
The INDIA project studied the interactions between tides, waves, currents and sediment processes at work in the European coastal zone with the aim to be able to predict change.

6) Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) — Completed 2003
The MAIA project developed an inexpensive, reliable system for monitoring the inflow of Atlantic water to the Nordic Seas and looked at how changes of ice extent in the north are related to this flux.

7) Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) — Completed 2001
The OMEX project studied, measured and modelled the physical, chemical and biological processes and fluxes at the ocean margin - the interface between the open Atlantic ocean and the European continental shelf.

8) PROcesses of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas (PROVESS) — Completed 2002
The PROVESS project was based on the integration of experimental, theoretical and modelling studies with the aim of improving understanding and quantification of vertical exchange processes in the water column.

9) SeaDataNet — 2006 - 2011
SeaDataNet aims to develop a standardised, distributed system which provides transparent access to marine data sets and data products from countries in and around Europe. It will build on the work already completed by the SEA-SEARCH and EDIOS projects.

10) SEA-SEARCH — Completed 2005
SEA-SEARCH provided users with a central overview and access to European marine data and information.

11) System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) — 2005 - 2007
SIMORC aims to create a central index and database of metocean data sets collected globally by the oil and gas industry.

International (http://www.bodc.ac.uk/projects/international/)

1) Argo — Ongoing
Argo aims to deploy a global array of profiling floats. This will result in the long-term systematic measurement of physical state of the upper ocean. BODC acts as the UK Argo Data Centre and the Southern Ocean Argo Regional Centre.

2) Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) — 1995 - 2010
CLIVAR seeks to better understand and predict our climate in order to take precautions and to reduce impacts of climate variability and change on our planet. BODC acts as the CLIVAR Moored Instrument and Sea Level Data Assembly Centres.

3) General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) — Ongoing
The goal of GEBCO is to provide the most authoritative, publicly-available bathymetry for the world's oceans.

4) GEOTRACES — 2006 - 2016
GEOTRACES is an international programme that aims to improve our understanding of biogeochemical cycles and large-scale distribution of trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) in the marine environment.

5) Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) — Ongoing
GLOSS aims to establish high quality global and regional sea level networks for application to climate, oceanographic and coastal sea level research.

6) World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) sea level — Completed 2002
WOCE aimed to improve our understanding of how ocean circulation affects the Earth's climate. BODC had joint responsibility for the WOCE sea level data and acted as the UK data centre for ship based and moored instruments.

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