Osman Hamdi Bey (1842-1910)
""Osman Hamdi Bey, [Constantinople 1842-1910], Ottoman statesman, painter and art expert who put forth legislation aimed at regulating finds made by various archaeological enterprises in the Ottoman Empire and preventing the antiquities from being smuggled abroad.
As a painter, he became famous while he was alive. He worked on compositions with figures and portraits, and he was the first Turkish artist who painted figures. In his paintings, there are many architectural and decorative details. He frequently appears as the main character; he used photos taken of him in different outfits and poses for his drawings. Today, many domestic and foreign museum collections include his paintings as well.""
"" 奧斯曼哈姆迪Bey的,[ 君士坦丁堡1842-1910],奧斯曼帝國的政治家,畫家和藝術專家誰提出旨在規範立法認定的各種考古企業在奧斯曼帝國和防止文物被走私出國進行。
作為一個畫家,他成名,同時他還活著。 他曾在成分與人物和肖像,他是誰畫人物的第一個土耳其藝術家。 在他的畫中,有許多建築和裝飾細節。 他經常出現為主要特徵; 他用不同的裝備和構成他的附圖,他的照片。 目前,國內外許多博物館收藏有他的作品也是如此。""
"烏龜教練" (已購入) The Tortoise Trainer - Pera Museum, Istanbul
""His painting "The Tortoise Trainer" 1906, broke a record in Turkey by being sold for the amount of 3.5 million dollars in December 2004. The painting expresses a sarcastic innuendo on the painter's own view of his style of work compared to those of his collaborators and apprentices, and is also a reference to the historical fact of tortoises having been employed for illuminative and decorative purposes, by placing candles on the shell, in evening outings during the Tulip Era in the early 18th century. The painting was acquired by the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation and is currently on display at the Pera Museum in Istanbul, which was established by this foundation.""
""他的畫“ 烏龜培訓師 ”1906年,打破了土耳其的一個紀錄被賣了350萬美元的金額2004年12月,這幅畫表達了一種諷刺影射的畫家自己本身的工作作風視圖相比,他的合作者授徒,也是一個參考已用於照明和裝飾用途,由鬱金香時代在18世紀初放置在蠟燭上的殼,在晚上外出龜的歷史事實。 這幅畫被收購的蘇娜和伊南Kıraç基金會,目前陳列在佩拉博物館在伊斯坦布爾,這是由這個基礎上建立的。""
""Osman Hamdi Bey was also an accomplished archaeologist, and is considered as the pioneer of the museum curator's profession in Turkey. He was the founder of Istanbul Archaeology Museums and of İstanbul Academy of Fine Arts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi in Turkish), known today as the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts. French orientalist painters Jean-Léon Gérôme and Gustave Boulanger were his teachers, whose influence is apparent in most of the paintings Osman Hamdi done.""
""奧斯曼·哈姆迪·貝伊成立伊斯坦布爾考古博物館,並成為其董事,在1881年,他的味道和能量做了很多建立的希臘羅馬文物館和它的藏品令人印象深刻的聲譽。 其中包括他對抵押博物館裡的寶藏是在1887年發現在皇家墓地在西頓(今黎巴嫩 )著名的希臘石棺,這些都是突出的例子希臘藝術的第5和第4個世紀BCE的,並保存完好。 宏偉的“ 亞歷山大 ”石棺( 如此命名是因為它最初被認為是亞歷山大大帝的 ),即使保留了其原有的著色痕跡。 哈姆迪Bey的帳戶的挖掘,宇根Nécropole皇家à西頓( 皇家墓地在西頓 ),由西奧多Reinach的合寫,出版於1892年。""
<截自: http://www.tuttartpitturasculturapoesiamusica.com/2013/08/Osman-Hamdi-Bey.html>
這幅畫據說是畫家最著名的作品, 原畫已遺失
<延伸閱讀> Mystery of Mihrap Painting
另一幅拼友在問的, 我也稍微查了一下, 原來大有來頭!!!
畫中男人就是畫家自己, 站在噴水池前讀書(?)
在伊斯坦堡考古博物館裡有右上方背景裡的噴水池(FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH)
""This oil painting is of Osman Hamdi Bey standing next to the fountain of youth (titled ”Fountain of Youth” from 1904) and is placed to the niche next to the actual fountain, housed in the museum. The series of pictures below are of the colorful and gold gilded sides that decorate it. - See more at: http://museumchick.com/museumchick/middle-east-africa-asia/page/4#sthash.zCy6mLBZ.dpuf""
Fountain 右面
Fountain 正面 ~~
One of the niches of the room in the left corner against the Gülhane Park was transformed into a fountain in the era of Sultan Murad III (1574-1595). The figure of peacock in the middle of herbal motifs on the stone plate attracts interest. The ornaments are hand-carved and gilded.
From the two marble inscriptions of twelve verses carved in Nastaleeq script on the two sidewalls of the fountain, it is understood that it was built in the year of 999 according to the Islamic calendar (1590 AD) and that the Tiled Kiosk was called the "Glazed Palace" in those years.
During the last rearrangements, a reproduction of Osman Hamdi Bey's oil painting "Fountain of Youth" (Ab-ı Hayat Çeşmesi), dating from 1904, was placed to the niche against the fountain. For this painting, Osman Hamdi Bey had used the photo taken while he was standing next to the fountain.””
〔延伸閱讀〕(中間) http://atakanasrak.blogspot.tw/
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