不知道為什麼Heye的1000片包裝這麼小,盒子卻那麼大= =
Baroque (巴洛克)
1. The Palace of Versailles, Paris, France, built from 1661 onwards
2. Portrait of Sit Isaac Newton, English Physicist and Mathermatician, 1643-1727
3. Text about Optics by Isaac Newton, title of the Latin translation, 1706
4. Portrait of Johannes Kepler, German Astronomer, 1571-1630
5. Model of the solar system by J. Kepler, 1596
6. Portrait of Nikolaus Kopernikus, German Astronomer
7. Heliocentric view of the world by N. Kopernikus, 1660
8. Portrait of Galileo Galilei, Italian Mathermatician and Philosopher, 1564-1642
9. Text about cosmic system by G. Galilei, title of the Latin edition, 1635
10. French fashions form 1650
11. Portrait of George Friedrich Handel, German Composer, 1685-1759
12. "Messiahs', manuscript, by G. F Handel, 1742
13. Portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach, German Composer, 1685-1750
14. 'St. Matthew Passion', manuscript, by J. S. Bach, 1736
15. Portrait of Antonio Vivaldi, Italian Violinist and Composer, 1678-1741
16. 'The Harmonic Inspiration', A. Vivaldi, title sheet of manuscript, 1712
17. Tenor Violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1690
18. 'Apollo and Daphne', Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1622
19. 'The Maids of Honour', Diego Velazquez, 1656
20. 'The Rape of the Daughters of Leukeppos', Peter Paul Rubens, 1618
21. Portrait of Ludwig XIV., King of France, 1638-1715
22. 'Baby Jesus with the Boy Johannes and Two Angles', P. P. Rubens, 1615
23. 'The Arcadian Shepherds', Nicolas Poussin, 1650
24. "Bacchus', Caravaggio, 1593
因為白菜只想要拼周圍的那一圈 囧